Our historic purpose-built community center can be rented for regular meetings or one-time events.

Fraternity is a means to improve and elevate the character of humanity. Our building provides a home for several Odd Fellows-related and other fraternal organizations.

Odd Fellowship draws from a rich legacy of volunteerism, intentional compassion and mutual aid.


1st Thursday  Movie Night on Zoom

Odd Fellows Movie Night is an opportunity to gather with your lodge brothers and sisters, invite your friends and family and enjoy a great movie!

Email us at IOOFBallardAlki170@gmail.com or visit us on Facebook for this month's feature

Social time at 7:00

Film at 7:30

We can't advertise the film under our screening license, but it will always be a classic!  We are exploring the themes of Friendship, Love and Truth.

Ballard Night Out 3rd Thursdays

Participatory art projects, movies, or presentations. Open to the public!

Email us at IOOFBallardAlki170@gmail.com or visit us on Facebook  for the Zoom link
Social time at 7, Art starts at 7:30


Big Tent Lodge

 Every 5th Thursday we host a special event! This month, it's a screening of the documentary Join or Die - Robert Putnam's look at civic engagement, and why it's absolutely vital, now more than ever! This film is thoughtful, fascinating, and very informative! It premiered at SXSW last year to rave reviews and we're super excited to be able to bring it to Seattle!
Thursday May 30, Doors at 7, Film at 7:30
Suggested donation $10

Printable Application

 To apply for membership, click here and fill out the application.  You can email a pdf to us or print it out and drop it off/mail it to our lodge!

 Email: ioofballardalki170@gmail.com

Snail mail: 1706 NW Market St, Seattle, WA 98107 

“Every part of this soil is sacred in the estimation of my people. Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove, has been hallowed by some sad or happy event in days long vanished.” ~ Chief Seattle,1854

Our historic building is housed on the ancestral lands of the Coast Salish Peoples, in particular the Duwamish Tribe. To all Coast Salish Peoples we say, "We see you, we respect your right to sovereignty and self-determination, and we are committed to being better listeners, learners, and in lifting indigenous voices."